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Accutane medication price list (Dorland, USA, July 2011) Table 4. Average Dantrolene price from 2003 (Dantrolene website, USA, May 2003) Table 5. Average Nurofen, ibuprofen, canadian generic pharmacy association and paracetamol prices from 2002 (Nurofen website, USA, May 2003) Table 6. Average Pfizer price (UK). Table 7. Average AstraZeneca price (UK). As with many pharmaceuticals, prices are more than offsetting improvements in their quality: Table 8. Average British price (Pfizer website, UK, April 2002) The average cost-saving (reduction in prescription costs) is between 12% and 25% of these prices. In addition, as we mentioned before, the average cost-saving of "Generic" Drugs was 10-13% whereas it 15-20% for the new branded drugs (in this "Generic" category we exclude brand-name drugs for which their costs also included the average cost-saving). Table 9. Average Generic Price (Pfizer website) Table 10. Average Brand-Name Price (Kroeger, USA, May 2002) One could argue that these prices are still too high in order to make substantial market contributions in addition to their high profit margins. The question is how these prices are justified: Table 11. Average R&D Costs in Pharmaceutical Companies as a % of Sales buy generic accutane online cheap (Wernecker, USA, April 2000) The average profit margins in pharmaceutical companies increased from 9%, in 1999 to 12% and again 14% in 2002. A new research paper shows that a lot of these profit margins are achieved by buying patents for low doses, which are then sold for the high drug price without any improvement. Since the high prices paid by patients still do not justify the high price, author wonders whether there will be a need to lower the prices in future. main question about drugs is whether they need to be developed further increase their profits. It has been shown earlier that no brand new medications are developed for human beings, which means that for new and better drugs we should expect to wait more than 3 years before they are available on the market. author thinks that this may be the future for new pharmaceuticals, if they become too expensive. The question is whether developing drugs should be a primary goal of pharmaceutical companies and whether the current attitude to drugs is really beneficial public health. In the UK author is an active member of the Association Independent Pharmaceutical Industry. For more information visit it's website. Table 12. Average Lifetime Development Costs of a New Patient by Manufacturer, US, 1999 (Korber, USA, May 2000) The author believes that these numbers indicate the pharmaceutical companies, if they had not been driven by profit margins, would have been more attentive to the long-term interests of population rather than to a short-term profit. References: Drugs in Medicine: Information and Management, (1999) by S.Korber; The Future of Food and Nutrition, (2001) by F.Rosenblatt, A.Rosenblatt, M.Matsuda; The History and Future of Pharmaceutical Drugs, (2002) by L.Schneider, M.Levin; The Rise of New Class (1999) by H.Pfizer; The Changing Face of Drugs, (2001) by O.Lukay; What are the Costs of Getting and Keeping a New Drug on the Food or List.

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